Interchain communication facilitates the transfer of assets and information between distinct blockchain networks. This tutorial focuses on asset transfers, including tokens and NFTs, between Initia (Layer 1) and Minitia (Layer 2), using the OP bridge for token transfers and IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) for token and NFT transfers. We'll cover initiating token deposits, withdrawing tokens, finalizing token withdrawals, and transferring tokens and NFTs via IBC.
OP Bridge Token Transfer
Initiating a Token Deposit from Initia to Minitia
To transfer tokens from Initia to Minitia using the OP bridge, you must initiate a token deposit on the Initia blockchain. The process involves creating a transaction that locks the tokens on Initia, making them available on Minitia.
CLI initia.js
Copy > initiad tx ophost initiate-token-deposit [bridge_id] [addr] 1000000uinit '' \
--from [key-name] \
--gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 0.15uinit \
--node [rpc-url]:[rpc-port] --chain-id [chain-id]
Copy import {
Coin ,
LCDClient ,
MnemonicKey ,
MsgInitiateTokenDeposit ,
Wallet ,
} from '@initia/initia.js' ;
async function initiateTokenDeposit () {
const lcd = new LCDClient ( '[rest-url]' , {
gasPrices : '0.15uinit' ,
gasAdjustment : '1.5' ,
const key = new MnemonicKey ({
mnemonic :
'beauty sniff protect ...' ,
const wallet = new Wallet (lcd , key);
const msgs = [
new MsgInitiateTokenDeposit (
key .accAddress , // sender
3 , // bridge id
'init1gegp28h8n7lv85ydltycenmw8dndn9umnn697q' , // reciever
new Coin ( 'uinit' , 1 ) // coin
) ,
// sign tx
const signedTx = await wallet .createAndSignTx ({ msgs });
// send(broadcast) tx
await lcd . tx .broadcastSync (signedTx) .then (res => console .log (res));
// {
// height: 0,
// txhash: '162AA29DE237BD060EFEFFA862DBD07ECD1C562EBFDD965AD6C34DF856B53DC2',
// raw_log: '[]'
// }
initiateTokenDeposit ();
Withdrawing Tokens from Minitia to Initia
There is a finalization period that must be passed after the withdraw
transaction has been executed before you can execute finalize-token-withdrawal
CLI initia.js
Copy > minitiad tx opchild withdraw [addr] [amount]\
--from [key-name] \
--gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices [l2_gas_price] \
--node [rpc-url]:[rpc-port] --chain-id [chain-id]
Copy import {
Coin ,
LCDClient ,
MnemonicKey ,
MsgInitiateTokenWithdrawal ,
Wallet ,
} from '@initia/initia.js' ;
async function initiateTokenWithdraw () {
const lcd = new LCDClient ( '[rest-url]' , {
gasPrices : '0.15l2/...' ,
gasAdjustment : '1.5' ,
const key = new MnemonicKey ({
mnemonic :
'beauty sniff protect ...' ,
const wallet = new Wallet (lcd , key);
const msgs = [
new MsgInitiateTokenWithdrawal (
key .accAddress , // sender
'init1gegp28h8n7lv85ydltycenmw8dndn9umnn697q' , // reciever
new Coin ( 'l2/...' , 1 ) // coin
) ,
// sign tx
const signedTx = await wallet .createAndSignTx ({ msgs });
// send(broadcast) tx
await lcd . tx .broadcastSync (signedTx) .then (res => console .log (res));
// {
// height: 0,
// txhash: '162AA29DE237BD060EFEFFA862DBD07ECD1C562EBFDD965AD6C34DF856B53DC2',
// raw_log: '[]'
// }
initiateTokenWithdraw ();
Finalizing Token Withdrawal on Initia
Post the finalization period, you need to finalize the token withdrawal on Initia to receive the withdrawn tokens.
CLI initia.js
Copy > initiad tx ophost finalize-token-withdrawal [path/to/withdrawal-info.json] \
--from [key-name] \
--gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 0.15uinit \
--node [rpc-url]:[rpc-port] --chain-id [chain-id]
Copy import {
} from '@initia/initia.js';
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
async function finalizeTokenWithdrawal() {
const lcd = new LCDClient('[rest-url]', {
gasPrices: '0.15uinit',
gasAdjustment: '1.5',
const key = new MnemonicKey({
'beauty sniff protect ...',
const wallet = new Wallet(lcd, key);
const msgs = [
new MsgFinalizeTokenWithdrawal(
3, // bridge id
492, // output index
[], // merkle proof
key.accAddress, // sender
'init1wgl839zxdh5c89mvc4ps97wyx6ejjygxs4qmcx', // receiver
1, // sequence
new Coin('uinit', 100000), // amount
sha3_256(492), // version
'YNWpXXUHHtPVmDVHTCEb6WzJFNGGc7FnqeIskFS+lsU=', // state root
'Tegv5DHAE6gZJJy9Yn4wY1mV3sqOzh7da8BC4mf/vE4=', // storage root
'oY7lpEEBdRmaV3lXkNlwTK2S9W4xPX7jHm93Ao4zfa0=' // latest block hash
// sign tx
const signedTx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({ msgs });
// send(broadcast) tx
await lcd.tx.broadcastSync(signedTx).then(res => console.log(res));
// {
// height: 0,
// txhash: '162AA29DE237BD060EFEFFA862DBD07ECD1C562EBFDD965AD6C34DF856B53DC2',
// raw_log: '[]'
// }
function sha3_256(version: number) {
const hash = crypto.createHash('SHA3-256');
let hex = version.toString(16);
if (hex.length % 2 === 1) {
hex = '0' + hex;
const val = Buffer.from(hex, 'hex');
return hash.update(val).digest().toString('base64');
IBC Transfer
IBC allows the transfer of tokens and NFTs between different blockchains that support the IBC protocol.
Transferring Tokens via IBC
CLI initia.js
Copy > initiad tx ibc-transfer transfer \
transfer [src-channel] [addr] 1000000uinit \
--from [key-name] \
--gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 0.15uinit \
--node [rpc-url]:[rpc-port] --chain-id [chain-id]
Copy import {
Coin ,
Height ,
LCDClient ,
MnemonicKey ,
MsgTransfer ,
Wallet ,
} from '@initia/initia.js' ;
async function ibcTokenTransfer () {
const lcd = new LCDClient ( '[rest-url]' , {
gasPrices : '0.15uinit' ,
gasAdjustment : '1.5' ,
const key = new MnemonicKey ({
mnemonic :
'beauty sniff protect ...' ,
const wallet = new Wallet (lcd , key);
const msgs = [
new MsgTransfer (
'transfer' , // port
'channel-1' , // src channel
new Coin ( 'uinit' , 1234 ) , // amount
key .accAddress , // sender
key .accAddress , // receiver
// you have to provide one of timeout
new Height ( 0 , 0 ) , // timeout height
(( new Date () .valueOf () + 100000 ) * 1000000 ) .toString () // timeout timestamp
) ,
// sign tx
const signedTx = await wallet .createAndSignTx ({ msgs });
// send(broadcast) tx
await lcd . tx .broadcastSync (signedTx) .then (res => console .log (res));
// {
// height: 0,
// txhash: '162AA29DE237BD060EFEFFA862DBD07ECD1C562EBFDD965AD6C34DF856B53DC2',
// raw_log: '[]'
// }
ibcTokenTransfer ();
Transferring NFTs via IBC
CLI initia.js
Copy > initiad tx ibc-nft-transfer nft-transfer \
nft-transfer [src-channel] [receiver] [class-id] [token-id],...[token-id] \
--from [key-name] \
--gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 0.15uinit \
--node [rpc-url]:[rpc-port] --chain-id [chain-id]
Copy import {
Coin ,
Height ,
LCDClient ,
MnemonicKey ,
MsgNftTransfer ,
Wallet ,
} from '@initia/initia.js' ;
async function ibcNftTrnasfer () {
const lcd = new LCDClient ( '[rest-url]' , {
gasPrices : '0.15uinit' ,
gasAdjustment : '1.5' ,
const key = new MnemonicKey ({
mnemonic :
'beauty sniff protect ...' ,
const wallet = new Wallet (lcd , key);
const msgs = [
new MsgNftTransfer (
'nft-transfer' , // port
'channel-3' , // channel id
'move/bfe696257ce629b8cfc03c44c4b732973705cf00fa87279e9440547215850a71' , // class id
[tokenid] , // token ids
key .accAddress , // sender
key .accAddress , // receiver
// you have to provide one of timeout
new Height ( 0 , 0 ) , // timeout height
(( new Date () .valueOf () + 100000 ) * 1000000 ) .toString () // timeout timestamp
) ,
// sign tx
const signedTx = await wallet .createAndSignTx ({ msgs });
// send(broadcast) tx
await lcd . tx .broadcastSync (signedTx) .then (res => console .log (res));
// {
// height: 0,
// txhash: '162AA29DE237BD060EFEFFA862DBD07ECD1C562EBFDD965AD6C34DF856B53DC2',
// raw_log: '[]'
// }
ibcNftTrnasfer ();
Last updated 9 months ago