Initia (Layer 1)


The Initia Layer 1 (L1) architecture is built upon the Cosmos SDK, leveraging CometBFT (previously known as Tendermint) for consensus and integrating the Move VM for smart contract functionality. This design positions Initia's L1 as a robust, permissionless, and versatile smart contracting platform, setting a foundational layer for all subsequent infrastructure and data management.

Key Features

Omnitia Liquidity Hub and Enshrined Liquidity

Initia's L1 architecture uniquely incorporates a native DEX that functions similarly to Balancer, enabling weighted and stableswap pools at the hub of a new multi-chain world. This DEX module enables the L1 to support not only the native INIT token but also pairs of INIT with other tokens that have been whitelisted through governance processes (e.g., INIT-USDC, INIT-stATOM) for staking purposes. Notably, these pairs are not restricted to a 50-50 ratio, provided INIT maintains a majority.


  • Liquidity Moat: Establishes a resilient liquidity foundation on the L1, enhancing the user experience.

  • Enhanced Staking Yield: Allows liquidity that would traditionally be locked in staking to be actively utilized for trading and yield generation. This includes supporting pairs like INIT-LSD, enabling users to concurrently earn staking yields, LSD yields, and trading fees.

  • Inter-Minitia Router: Facilitates efficient token movement across different Minitias, enabling seamless transactions across the ecosystem.

  • Just-in-Time Gas: Provides a mechanism for users to convert their assets into gas for L2 operations in a single transaction, enhancing flexibility and accessibility.

For more information on the Enshrined Liquidity, please refer to the Enshrined Liquidity and Staking section.

Omnitia Shared Security (OSS)

OSS represents a scalable security framework designed to protect assets across potentially millions of Minitias. In instances of fraud challenges on an L2, the L1's validator set is called upon to adjudicate the dispute. This process is streamlined through the integration of Celestia light nodes within the validator nodes, allowing for the verification of data across Minitias without the need to download complete blocks.

Key Components:

  • Shared Data Availability Layer: Empowers the Initia L1 validator set, challengers, and bridge operators with access to state data necessary for constructing fraud proofs against invalid rollup operations.

  • Direct Posting to Celestia: Enables Minitias to post transaction data directly to Celestia, facilitating deterministic verification of the rollup chain's state transitions.

  • Efficient Data Verification: Utilizes Celestia’s Namespaced Merkle Trees (NMT) and Data Availability Sampling (DAS) to allow relevant actors to download and verify only the pertinent transactions, optimizing resource usage.

Initia's L1 architecture, through these innovative features, aims to provide a seamless, secure, and scalable foundation for the broader ecosystem, ensuring robustness and interoperability across its layered structure.

Last updated


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